Best Budget Knives: Newest Z T Clones on AliExpress - ZT0460 and ZT0427 Budget Model!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Newest Z T Clones on AliExpress - ZT0460 and ZT0427 Budget Model!

Just a short update on the newest Z T clones that are out on AliExpress, both have design that resembles knives from Dmitri Sinkevich.
If you are against clones - watch out, if you like clones - enjoy! :)
BTW - as it happens a lot on AliExpress, the locks are edited out to comply with Ali knife laws, but both of these knives have fully functioning locks.

1. Z T 0460:

A pretty new model from Z T, that resembles the Mini Poluchetkiy Custom from Sinkevich.
The big plus of the clone, is that they used a regular carbon fiber for the scale instead of that brown colored one used by ZT (that many of their  fans didn't particularly like).
Other than that it has ti frame and D2 blade.
Can't say at this point if the CF scale is going to fit the genuine knife.

Check it out here: Z T 0460 Clone
Genuine Zero Tolerance ZT0460 Knife: Genuine Zero Tolerance ZT0460

2. Z T 0427 (Budget G10 Version):

A premium clone version of the 0427 is available for a while now on Ali (although it resembled the Sinkevich Do Custom more than 0427) with M390 blade and full ti handle.
Now they have made a budget G10 version, that has nested steel liners and a liner lock.
It also features ball bearings and 2 tone finish on the D2 blade.

Check it out here: Z T 0427 Clone (Budget G10 Version)
Genuine Zero Tolerance knives here: Genuine Zero Tolerance Knives

And, as a bonus - check out this Glow in the Dark EDC Knuckle from the same store.


  1. Oh yeah. I just had to check out the ZT0427. Just ordered it. Looks like a fun knife

    1. Mind posting your opinion when it arrives?

  2. The 0460 clone is actually a lot longer than the original. Like 19cm vs 22cm.
